Book! Two Doors Inward -- Dream Interpretations and Dream-Guided Meditations -- University Course Book. Buy this book from publisher Amazon. Available in Paperback, New from $7.99.
Book! Living Dreams, Living Life (Updated Second Edition)
Primary Markets: Practicing professional counselors and therapists.
Secondary Market: General public.
Buy this book from publisher Amazon. Available in Paperback and Kindle
Book! The Counselor’s Guide for Facilitating the Interpretation of Dreams: Family and Other Relationship Systems Perspectives -
Primary Markets: Practicing professional counselors and therapists.
Secondary Markets: Textbook for majors in counseling, psychology, sociology, and social work as well as for theological and seminary programs.
Buy this book from publisher Routledge or Barnes & Noble Today!
Sign-up for continuing education courses.
Three CE Clock Hours for each of five courses, total of 15 CEs available. The only cost for all five courses is the purchase price of the course book: The Counselor's Guide for Facilitating the Interpretation of Dreams: Family and Other Relationship Systems Perspectives. Courses are available after Sign-up.
Course 1: Ethics, Historical Perspectives, and Preliminaries of Dream Interpretation.
Course 2: Overview of the Personalized Method for Interpreting Dreams (PMID), and Pre-dream Event Effects on Dreams
Course 3: Effects of Dreamer’s Pre-dream Thoughts on Dreams, Dream Phrases for the Dreamer to Define, Dreaming and Pre-dream Waking-life Emotions, and Solutions Found in dreams
Course 4: Family and Other Relationship Systems Perspectives, Series Approach to Interpreting Dreams, and Review for New Insights
Course 5: Delivery Modes, Ullman’s Group Model, Cartwright’s RISC Model and Conclusions Plus Appendices Materials
Author Evelyn M. Duesbury is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP™) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program.
What are your dreams telling you?
About yourself? Your relationships? Your life?
"I am still amazed — probably always will be— with
how much I have learned and how much dreams have been trying to tell
me. I just didn’t know!" -- A member [read
Amazement at how much dreams reveal comes from using the Personalized Method for Interpreting Dreams (PMID). The PMID Model does more than just help you interpret your dreams. It shows you how your dreams — your deepest thoughts and feelings — give you insights into your waking life, for greater understanding and answers.
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Books and what members and dream authors have
said about the effectiveness
and practical
value of the PMID
approach to finding meaning in your dreams.
Dream on!

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